PRIN2022 PNRR | Progetti Forlilpsi vincitori

PRIN2022 PNRR | Progetti Forlilpsi vincitori

Enrica Ciucci con progetto “Mapping Social Emotional Learning and School Climate in Italian Lower Secondary Schools: Advancing Understanding and Participation to inform Intervention”

Ersilia Menesini con progetto “YOUths’FUTURE Orientation in Times of Social Changes (YOU-FUTURE)”

Benedetta Emanuela Palladino con progetto “Let's Speak Up! Understanding the impact of Online-Hate Speech on adolescents' daily life(SU!)”

Clara Maria Silva con progetto “Phoenix. A new kind of ‘rebirth’ for women and children living in conditions of marginalization”

Fabio Togni con progetto “Continuing Education and Prevention for Active Aging (AGER). Fostering success stories in the transition from work to retirement”

Valentina Pedone con progetto “Ecco-Italy: Eduation of children of Chinese origin in Italy”

Romina Vergari con progetto “Othering ourselves”. Conceptualizing and Representing Otherness in Hebrew, Ukrainian, and Polish cultural fields. Metaphors, similitudes, symbols, paths of exclusion/inclusion (UPHER)”

Camilla Matera con progetto “Look at the bright (nature) side: Improving body image and associated protective factors and reducing body image threats with the Nature for Body Image (NBI) project”

Andrea Guazzini con progetto “COoperation and BRAin-Synchrony: a multiscale and translable approach”

15 Settembre 2023 (Archiviata)



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