CHS – Childhood Studies. History, pedagogy, culture of childhood

Keywords: childhood, family, parenting, childhood pedagogy, child work, children's rights, intergenerational relations, history of childhood, childhood memories, adopted children, violence against children, childhood and gender, ecological humanities, Anthropocene, anthropology of childhood, childhood in the Anthropocene, child mortality/health, foreign childhood, education and childhood.


Research topics: The research lines are centered around the European perspective of Inclusive Societies (Horizon 2020). In particular, the following lines of research will be conducted: inclusion/adulting processes, intergenerational relations, non-discrimination and equal opportunities, childhood knowledge, culture of rights, educational professionalism, anthroposophy and eco-oriented lifestyles, childhood mortality and health, second generations, educational research related to childhood.


Aims and objectives: The unit moves within the field of international research aimed at investigating and critiquing the social meanings and cultural models of childhood in history and in current complex societies; from an historical-anthropological-educational and pedagogical-didactical perspective, the unit intends to propose scientific projects aimed at analyzing and interpreting the complex relationship between childhood and society.


Emiliano Macinai


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